

How to apply ?

Candidates who wish to study in our university or receive training as a trainee/intern for a certain amount of time should fill in the application form, then submit it with the required documents specified in the application form to After that, our Office will direct your documents to the relevant unit coordinator for approval. If accepted by the unit applied, an acceptance letter will be sent to the candidate to be used for visa acquisition and so forth.

Points to pay attention while filling the form

Please be sure to mark the correct part in section 3. If you are applying within a protocol mark Interinstitutional Protocol, if not mark Freemover.

9.  APPLICANT’S APPROVAL: This section has to be completed by the applicant.

10. HOST UNIVERSITY’S APPROVAL: This section has to be completed by the relevant unit at OMU.

11. HOME UNIVERSITY’S APPROVAL: This section has to be completed by the contact person at the applicant's home university.

Please make sure to submit all the required documents specified in section 12. CHECKLIST.


Is there any difference to apply at OMU within the framework of an interinstitutional protocol or as a freemover ?

You do not pay the tuition fee if you come to OMU within the framework of an interinstitutional protocol. Freemovers may need to pay a certain amount of fee for certain faculties/schools/graduate schools (Faculty of Dentistry or Faculty of Medicine). The faculties which demand a tuition fee and the amount of such fee may change with a Senate decision.

When should I take out an insurance policy ?

As soon as you receive your approval from the deanship you should take out an insurance policy.